5 Yoga Poses for Busy Moms
Being a mom a blessing. We create little humans, love them, support them, and prepare them for adulthood. It’s an honor. AND it’s a big job. We are there for our kiddos through ups and downs, we teach values and lessons, we set and hold boundaries, we hold space for our children’s feelings and help them learn to regulate their emotions. We plan meals, schedules, activities, appointments, and everything in between. We make sure our kids have a safe home, clean clothes, and healthy snacks (so many snacks….) Being a mom often includes being the glue that holds the family together. We are always on call. It’s wonderful and it’s hard. It’s no wonder that moms get exhausted.
Holding space for all these responsibilities can be stressful and can send our nervous system into fight or flight mode. Constant stress leads to exhaustion. Try this 5-minute yoga sequence to calm your nervous system, take some time just for you and gain some of your energy back.
5 Minute Yoga Flow for Busy Moms:
Minute 1: Ground Yourself
Minute 2: Move Your Energy
Minute 3: Open Your Heart
Minute 4: Release Your Hips
Minute 5: Relax
Enjoy this 5-Minute practice as often as you can fit it into your schedule.
To learn more about private and group yoga classes in the Minneapolis area, check out www.truenorthyogamn.com or contact Nikki at hello@truenorthyogamn.com.