True North Yoga

Yoga designed for you and your schedule.

True North Yoga was established to make yoga accessible and convenient for our busy lives. Let me create a space for you to take a moment for yourself. Yoga is about connecting with your body, feeling what it’s telling you and giving yourself permission to listen to it. I hope you leave my classes feeling relaxed, recharged and reconnected with your True North.

Hi. I’m Nikki. I’ve been practicing yoga for over 10 years (my first yoga classes were via VHS tapes) and my standing answer to the question “What’s your dream job?” has been to be a yoga teacher. In 2023, I finally did it!

As a busy mom of two in the Plymouth/Medina community, my goal is to bring yoga to this growing community in a way that is convenient and flexible for your busy schedules. Yoga can be an amazing form of self-care that leaves you feeling rested and recharged. Let’s connect to find a way to fit yoga into your schedule.